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Thank you, donors!

VPF logo with four photos: kids around a fire, a child reading a museum display, a person installing a display in the Groton Nature Center, and Basil, the 2023 intern, in front of the Mt Philo State Park sign.

As we kick off 2024, we're feeling incredibly grateful for our donors! At the end of 2023, hundreds of donors from 17 states supported Vermont Parks Forever to help us continue to grant park passes to those underrepresented in the outdoors, revitalize nature education, provide student internships, and enhance and protect Vermont's 55 state parks. 

Stay tuned for details as we look forward to celebrating the 100th anniversary of Vermont's state parks. And remember that parks are open all year round, so you can start your own celebration any day!

(Photo Information - Top Left to Bottom Left: UVM Outdoor Family Weekend participants, a child at the Groton Nature Center Opening - photo by Sevenpair Studios, installation at the Groton Nature Center, the 2023 Mt Philo Intern)


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