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Surprise Waterfront Campsite

Despite an awful lot of rain, we greatly enjoyed our week at Gifford Woods in July 2021. One benefit of all the rain…turned our campsite into a waterfront site at no extra cost!

At some point, I’d love to be able to say we stayed at EVERY Vermont state park, as it is such a beautiful state, but I’m sure we will be back to Gifford Woods. We very much enjoy the downhill mountain biking at Killington (as well as the other local cross country mountain biking), and Gifford Woods is so convenient to there. In 2020, we stayed at Coolidge (because we tend to wait until the last minute to book and Gifford was full), and it was equally beautiful. We were able to do some kayaking and are looking forward to finding more areas to do so on our next trip.

– Anne Weisbeck


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