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Making a Vermont Memory

Many years ago I worked as an innkeeper at Seyon Lodge State Park. When you work here, you're chief cook and bottle washer! It was an experience I'll never forget. We served so many folks who were there for various reasons.

My favorite was a family reunion where a birthday party was to happen - only the one in charge of the cake forgot the cake! Bad idea. My coworkers and I jumped into action and began baking the best cake we could do for such a crowd. It wasn't, in our opinion, a gourmet cake, but never the less we succeeded in bringing together such a meaningful experience for the family. Several weeks later I received the most thoughtful letter from the mother of the family expressing her heartfelt thanks for jumping into action at the last minute and making a wonderful memory for them!

That's what it means to be part of the Vermont State Parks organization. Serving. No questions asked. Putting on your cape and jumping into action to make a Vermont memory! Thanks for giving me that memory!

- Dianna Tichenor

Drinking glasses and flowers in front of a body of water with mountain views
Photo provided by Vermont State Parks


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