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A Second Home

Osmore pond at New Discovery State Park has always had a special place in my heart, and I have been visiting this magical place for the past 10 years. Remote site four feels like a second home to me. Over the years, I have enjoyed developing rapport with park rangers and sharing laughs with Don. What I love most about the site is waking up just before the sun rises and kayaking to through the dense fog and listening to the loons making their calls. As a mental health counselor, I truly appreciate the healing aspects that come with being in serene nature.

I have made many life-long memories at New Discovery including bringing my nephew on his first camping trip and sharing many laughs with friends. Thank you to all of the individuals who maintain this site. I have an abundance of gratitude and appreciation for this place and its caretakers. I look forward to many more years of being able to spend the nights looking at the star covered sky while watching the dimly lit fire turn to ash.

- Damir Alisa

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