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A Special Place in Our Hearts
VT State Parks have held a special place in our hearts for as long as we can remember.

A Fond Memory
My mother, Betty Mercure, loved Kill Kare State Park in St.Albans

Some of My Fondest Memories
I’ve lived in Vermont all of my life and have been going to state parks all of my life. My friends and I would beg our parents on the...

An 8 Year Streak
This summer was the 8th straight summer of Daddy Daughter Camping. This 8 year streak has spanned 8 different Vermont State Parks. Lake...

60 Years of Enjoyment
Simply said, I’ve been enjoying a few of Vermont’s state parks for over 60 years, and it gets better every time - they are open for...

The Legend of Nana's Cabin
I discovered Camp Plymouth State Park when my grandchildren were too young to appreciate camping in tents! I rented a cabin and the...

The Joy of Being at Button Bay
As I arrive, heartache tugs knowing I will have to leave. But year after year I endure that pain for the joy of being at Button Bay. I...

I just love Vermont state parks!
My husband and I raised our 4 children camping all summer long. Now my husband has dementia and can no longer join me. I have 4 wonderful...

A Slice of Heaven on Earth
Where do I start this story? FORT DUMMER...MOLLY STARK...WOODFORD...ASCUTNEY... I guess it must be at Jamaica State Park. It truly is our...

Great in All Weather
I love Vermont. I love the great outdoors. Vermont State Parks are simply the best place to be, in my opinion, no matter the weather....

1st Day Hikes
My family and I go on “first day hikes” every year on 1/1! Our oldest was happy to walk to dog, and our youngest was bummed she was being...

30 Year Tradition
We have been camping in the Vermont State Parks for over 30 years and we spend nearly every September camping for two weeks-one week in...

Burton Island Expert
During their summer school vacations when my children were growing up, I would take them to Burton Island for 4 days to give their Mom a...

An Annual Tradition
Labor Day is always set aside on our calendars: it’s an annual trip for our family friends to camp together. (We believe we’re now on our...

Beautiful Sunset at Branbury State Park
We love Vermont State Parks. During our first season with our new camper, we visited Branbury State Park on the shores of Lake Dunmore....

Fun with the grandkids at Branbury State Park
We had such a great time camping with our grandchildren at Branbury State Park and really enjoyed the hike into the Moosalamoo National...

Rainy Retreat
Stayed at Brighton State Park again this weekend with my dog, Remy. Very few people there because of the rain so we almost had the whole...

Surprise Waterfront Campsite
Despite an awful lot of rain, we greatly enjoyed our week at Gifford Woods in July 2021. One benefit of all the rain…turned our campsite...

Repeat Reservation at Brighton State Park
First time staying there and OMG what a beautiful place! We had a waterfront campsite and had so much fun hiking the trails. Ended up...
And the winners are…
The legal team at Biggam Fox Skinner LLP joined up with Vermont Parks Forever in an effort to protect our state parks. To celebrate our...

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